Plantilla de complemento jQuery - Trucos CSS

Tabla de contenido

Reemplace las instancias de "yourPluginName" con su nombre de complemento real. Lo de "radio" es solo un ejemplo de una opción (parámetro para pasar el complemento).

(function($)( $.yourPluginName = function(el, radius, options)( // To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this' // to reference this class from internal events and functions. var base = this; // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element base.$el = $(el); base.el = el; // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object base.$"yourPluginName", base); base.init = function()( if( typeof( radius ) === "undefined" || radius === null ) radius = "20px"; base.radius = radius; base.options = $.extend((),$.yourPluginName.defaultOptions, options); // Put your initialization code here ); // Sample Function, Uncomment to use // base.functionName = function(paramaters)( // // ); // Run initializer base.init(); ); $.yourPluginName.defaultOptions = ( radius: "20px" ); $.fn.yourPluginName = function(radius, options)( return this.each(function()( (new $.yourPluginName(this, radius, options)); // HAVE YOUR PLUGIN DO STUFF HERE // END DOING STUFF )); ); ))(jQuery);


$(function() ( $("#round-me").yourPluginName("20px"); ));

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